Ultrasound Scanning
Musculoskeletal ultrasound scans are used to take a closer look at your muscles, joints, and some of your nerves, ligaments and tendons. Carrying out an ultrasound scan can help us to ascertain what is happening below the surface so we can pin point the root cause of your pain. This helps us to provide you with the most effective treatment plan.
There is no radiation exposure with ultrasound imaging, therefore this diagnostic method is completely safe and you can self refer for a scan without a GP referral.
Our chiropractor is fully qualified with a PGCert in medical ultrasound which allows us to scan upper and lower limbs.
Below are some of the conditions we can assess:
Rotator Cuff Tendonopathy
Shoulder Injuries
Bicep Tendonopathy
Wrist Injuries
Knee Ligament / Muscle Damage
Knee Effusion (Inflammation from the Joint)
Bakers Cyst
Achilles Tendonopathy
Plantar Fasciitis
Foot / Ankle Ligament Damage
There are other injuries/conditions we can assess using ultrasound scanning, therefore if your complaint is not listed above please contact us to discuss if we can help.
If you are unsure if you would benefit from an ultrasound scan then we recommend booking an initial consultation with our chiropractor Lee Johnson. In this session he will complete an assessment to determine if an ultrasound scan is required.